Sunday, November 19, 2006

I'm back !! Am I ??

I can't believe that it has been almost 2 months since my last blog. whew....2 months.I feel as if it has been 2 years. I look at my self in the mirror and feel that i've really aged since then.
I knw i've really gone through and still going thru a lot of things during this time. I've confided in my sister, who is my best friend and to another close friend of mine, all that I wanted to. But nothing seems to get me out of this rut.

But now, right now, when I'm pouring my heart out into my own blog, I feel so relaxed. This is my own space, one that I had created to put my mind at rest. How could I forget this. Why was I searching for peace outside, when I just had to look within..?

It is amazing how problems make a person react. Some just withdraw into a shell, and wait till it is over. Some just take it head on, and drive it away. Some others just live with it. Well, I'm doing a bit of all.!!! This is the toughest test I've ever faced in my life. So initially I went into a shell, did nothing but feel bad for it, cursed myself and the fate. Then I thought that I have to face it, and did that. Now, when some factors beyond your reach seem to control the problems you have , you learn to live with it and I'm doing that.

Is Indian society a curse on individulas or a boon? Everyone has their own answers depending on their experiences. While it is true that our society is much more closer, in the sense that we get together on any small excuse, it is equally true that we are a very hypocritic society. We don't talk about sex , but we are exploding with children. We enjoy and cheer love marriages in movies, but when one happens in our own families, we fret and fume.

Ok, why am I talking about this society now all of a sudden..Is it becasue I'm personally being affected by it? Could be!! if you are girl, unmarried and in your mid twenties, it is a curse to remain like that. Either you get married and please everybody, or just run away to timbuktoo. It is at this age, I've found out that there are so many and many people worried about getting you married off. Well, I seriously didn't care about these so called well wishers.

The problem arises, when you bring a boy of your choice to your parents. Then all hell breaks loose. Now I don't want to explain the reactions. You can take it from those innumerable Indian movies( of any language). After all those tears, anger and emotions, just when you feel that things are falling into place, and when I started feeling that things have been smoother than expected, there comes a cold reminder that , it is not to be.

I don't know if it is my destiny that I get everything after so much of struggle, ot it is like that for everyone. I just hope that all this pays off at the end.

All is well that ends well.But... where is the end???

PS: If I sound confusing, it is because I'm confused. I'm just putting all my random thoughts into words here, so please bear with me.


Hameeduddin said...

Have u seen the movie "life is Beautiful"?

It actually is . If u want it to be.

Sriram said...

Indian society is irritating in many cases(the cons outnumber the pros)... Anyway, all I have hoped for in a wife-to-be(the time 4 which is far away, but hey I'm old enough 2 make decision, right?) is that both of us should understand each other well...

Fallout: Therefore, U will have to know each other very well b4 u marry.. so I suppose ppl see wat I'm trying to say, but who's gonna listen?

Sriram said...

PS: Best of luck... :)

Sachin R K said...

"O God, grant me the courage to change the things I can, the serenity to accept the things i cant and the wisdom to know the difference" :)

Unknown said...

ha ha i guess any gurl at d mid twenties goes through d same trauma!! i know it.. for dats d same with me... but don't worry gurl... life sure does has its way to sought out things! m sure it does ;-)

Angeline said...

We all have gone thru this sometime or the other in life