Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Omnipotent

there is one thing in this world that is omnipotenet and omnipresent. no i'm not talking about god.this exists even for atheists.this has made people fight,steal,beg and even kill each other.there are stories dating back to 2nd century B.C ..well forget's hunger.

it starts clawing at around 3.45 in the evening( my stomach what else..) and then it starts rumbling and grumbling and howling.. i've tried eating anything and everything..from the junk ones to the msot healthy ones..chips,biscuits,cake and everytime it only pretends to calm down only to result in a cramp that doesnt go off till dinner.

still, unwilling to give up i tried a golden vegetable quick soup today.first sip,hmm..not bad. 2nd sip.. i push my taste buds to their extreme..send them on a taste finding mission.they come back with this.. salt + lots of hot water + a few leaves (dried) + lots of tiny stuff in red,green and other attractive colors.they couldn't really find out what they were.

now it was left to my eyes to complete the mission.and i should tell you that they did a great job .those tiny little,colored bits were actually ..hold your breath ..VEGETABLES!! can you believe it..cut into unidentifiable pieces, lives squeezed out of them,dried and flattened,those poor veggies had been slaughtered.they were dead and floating.

after such a tiring mission my eyes and tongue deserved a treat and they did get & steaming bowl (cup) of golden vegetable quick soup.


Sriram said...

cut into unidentifiable pieces, lives squeezed out of them,dried and flattened,those poor veggies had been slaughtered.they were dead and floating. lol!!

arbit posts are back! great :)

Niranjani said...

yeah thank the soup ;-)

Sriram said...

I dont appreciate sly reading! I have the Feedjit toolbar u know ;)