Saturday, March 03, 2007

School days !!

just thought of going down the memory lane a bit..think about things good and bad, the great deeds done and some of the not so great ones too. not sure how honest i can be. and one more decision i made ( which is not entirely my own idea), is that i'm not using caps in my blog unless absloutely necessary. you know it is so liberating to know that i don't have to press the shift key at the beginning of every sentence. i saw this style in another blog and found it quite interesting. well, some things can be imitated !! :-)

ok, now back to the from now on, whenver a blog of mine carries this title, get ready to walk down the memory lane . but i'mm not planning to put these down in any order of you may find me in 1st std some time and then in my 12 th. so bear with me.


Sriram said...

But i find my hand goin 2dards the shift key involuntarily... strange

Niranjani said...

yeah i found myself doing that too...