Saturday, September 09, 2006

One night in the train !

uff...I had finally managed to get into my compartment. I found my seat and shoved the bags under my feet.It was a photo finish, would have put an olympian to shame. My mom was frantically waving me goodbye. I waved her back,and sat down to get my breath back.
It was then that I became aware of my surroundings. Well, I was travelling from Chennai to Rajapalayam, just to visit my dad.
I was allotted the middle berth, and beside me were two not quite young women. On the other side were my tormentors to be, on the side lower berth, two "DMK Karai" dhothi clad,loud and old men. In front of me was a louder mouthed chamcha. This group of people extended till the next 2 bays.
The older guy was an ugly sight to watch.He was trying to eat something all the while skillfully managing to spill more around him than into his mouth. I settled down to reading a magazine.
The best part of my journey started when the older of the guys, who already seemed a little drunk, started smoking.
Well, so what you might ask. Haven't we seen people smoking in trains. But this time I don't know what made me tell him" Sir please don't smoke". The whole party fell silent and was shocked at the audacity of a "chinna ponnu" in their words, asking the great "Thalaivar", ( thats how the chamcha referred to him) not to smoke.
He ignored me in the best possible way. I then told the person near him, and to my surprise he too asked the "Thalaivar" to drop the cigarette. But Thalai was not ready to budge.
Well, now they had ignored me enough, so I raised my voice and said, " If you don't drop it, I'm going to complain the to the T.T.R." That brought the chamcha to his feet, and he started jumping up and down, screaming lots of unintelligebile stuff.
After a few more passengers persuaded,he had to put it down , which for him was like throwing his ego down.
The mutterings continued,as the TTR came in. The surprise element was that he told me that my ticket had been upgraded to 3 tier AC. At that moment I felt like screaming "Laloo Prasad ki Jai" .Thanks to his upgradation scheme.
Before leaving that dreaded place, I caught a glimpse of how politics works. The chamcha, went up to the TTR and said, " Sir, this girl, got into a wrong coach and humiliated my Thalaivar." The TTR ignored his complaint and moved on. But that comment just seemed to show how the politicians make a mountain out of a mole hill.

As I triep cataching some sleep in the cool comfort of the AC, the rest of the people in the group , sneaked into the AC , and were partying with chicken biryani and liquor. This time I decided to keep my eyes , mouth and my nose( the stench was unbearable) closed.


Sriram said...

Interesting! Nice work...

I wish I was there to see the unspoken Laloo-prasad-ki-jai part in front of "namma thalaivar", though!

Hameeduddin said...

btw who r the tormentors?...U who did not let our poor thalaivar to smoke peacefully? or them that finally (inspite of wearing DMK dhotis) had to extinguish those miracle tobacco sticks? :)LOL

viji said...

Great thoughts you got there, believe I may possibly try just some of it throughout my daily life.

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